Choosing the right Molle Vest

by | Jul 1, 2016 | Shopping

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Tactical vests will keep your torso from obtaining direct hits. Using a vest provides an individual access to additional supplies. Having accessibility to extra guns, magazines, or ammunition may make a huge difference.


While engaging in inside airsoft, staging spaces are close; interactions are extremely fast and intense. Because they’re inside a close range, players prefer to select plate carrier vests for more protection. For outside play, staging spaces are at a distance, and interactions are going to last longer. Due to this, players prefer to select a Molle vest or lightweight vest. It’ll help to change weight from a vest over to the gear or supplies players need, assisting them in reaching very checkpoint.

Time of Use

An additional consideration to assess is how long users are going to wear the vests. Deciding if games are going to be brief, or last a couple of hours will assist in determining how much gear they’re able to carry around with them all day long.

Kinds of Gear on your Vest

Buyers ought to consider the kind of gear they’ll be carrying within their game. While playing outdoors for longer durations, a hydration carrier is going to be mandatory. There’s also a unique pouch for using a high capacity magazine. Molle holsters that have strike plates are going to assist players who want to carry sidearms. Most players possess first aid certifications, therefore an EMT pouch includes a must-have for emergency supplies.

Field Role

Usually, most players will take on a rifleman’s role while out in the field. It’ll mean they’ll be carrying some type of AEG as their main weapons and pistol as the secondary.

For more information contact Airsoft GI at 1 (909) 869-0671.

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