Four Ingredients for Effective Prayer

by | Feb 18, 2014 | Shopping and Product Reviews

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If you are new to prayer Prophet Bernard Jordan has many guiding services he provides to Christians to assist them in getting to know God and understanding his word. There are a four ingredients you can add to each prayer to let God see your love:

1. Adoration: In a sense adoration is professing your intent to God. It shows your reverence for him and proclaims you are praying in order to lift your spirit up to him. There are many ways to show adoration including verses form Psalms such as “To you oh Lord I lift up my soul.” Other readings can include Lamentations 3:41, Psalm 29:2 and Corinthians 7:35 to name but a few. Reading these will give you inspiration and you can also look in your Bible for other verses that speak to you. You can also preface adoration with your situation such as “I ask that you prepare my heart for marriage” or “I ask you give me strength to overcome my fears.”

2. Confession: This gives you an opportunity to speak to God of any sins or failures you have committed and ask for his forgiveness. Think of examples in your life that you feel will hinder you from being closer to God or where you feel your faith has waivered. You can also address sins you continue to commit and seek guidance for strength to avoid temptation to commit this sin again.

3. Thanksgiving: This is perhaps the most important aspect of prayer as it shows God you are grateful for all of the blessings he has bestowed upon you. It is also a unique opportunity to thank God for any challenges he has put before you to provide you with the chance to learn from your errors and overcome negative aspects of your life by strengthening your faith. When you are able to address the troubles in your life as reasons for thanks it acknowledges your faith that God will continue to provide for you and that his love will help free your from adversity and pain.

4. Supplication: This is where you humble yourself before God and ask him for assistance and guidance. Open your heart so you can hear his answers and have faith he will help you.

Prophet Bernard Jordan can provide inspiration for prayer through personal prophecy as well as biblical devotions and guidance. Visit us online for more details

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