I’ve always been a fan of clever ideas and ways to innovate a product to solve a problem or better fit needs. Eclipse cigarettes, for example, offer a safer avenue for smoking. Though no smoking is absolutely safe for the smoker, with Eclipse cigarettes, you do get a cleaner cigarette, and a rather clever idea. They’re produced by the same company that makes Camel Cigarettes. Personally, I find the clever idea behind them most interesting.
As a non-smoker, my biggest interaction with cigarettes is via secondhand smoke, and while it doesn’t offend me, I don’t seek it out. The other interaction I’ve had was cleaning ash trays and receptacles of cigarette butts. Eclipse cigarettes use less tobacco to burn and produce less smoke and ash, which reduces the amount of secondary hassle cigarettes produce. It also helps make smoking a more private matter, as many people complain about smoking because of the potential damage secondhand smoke could produce to those nearby. If the smoker is taking all the risks on themselves, it keeps smoking as a purely personal decision of risk and reward. Obviously, before you jump to Eclipse cigarettes, if your interest is based on your own health or the health of those around you, you’ll want to investigate first.
Eclipse cigarettes use a carbon tip that, when lit, heats the tobacco to produce a vapor as compared to the traditional method of burning packed tobacco to create smoke. Now there are advantages to this from a health point of view; any time you create less secondhand smoke, it’s a good thing, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves and claim that this is a perfectly safe cigarette. With Eclipse cigarettes, the risks are possibly lessened and more tightly focused on the person choosing to smoke than those around them. Non-smokers also tend to complain about the smell produced by smoking, so having a cigarette that burns more cleanly is also a help in that area, too.
Eclipse cigarettes can be a bit hard to come by, though. They don’t share the name recognition as their big brother Camels, and might not be available at every corner market. Thankfully, as a consumer in the modern age, if Eclipse cigarettes are something that pique your interest, you can turn to the Internet to find which stores locally might carry Eclipse cigarettes, or you can order them online, most likely at a discount rate, and have them shipped directly to your front door.
Buy Eclipse cigarettes online-the quality and taste you’re accustomed to is only a click away. TobaccoOnline is an excellent resource for smokers who are looking for convenience, great pricing, and extended options. Call 44-20-707-843-40 or visit http://www.tobaccoonline.co.uk.